Mending Wall Poem by Robert Frost



Robert Frost is the Pulitzer winning American poet who is well known for colloquial manner in his poems. 'Mending Wall' is a dramatic narrative verse form composed in blank verse. It reflects on the man-made barriers prevalent in the gimmicky lodge.

The poem deplores the restrictions man creates in human relations through walls and exhorts bridging gaps amidst relations. The narrator asserts that some force in nature condemns homo-made barriers the reason why walls built betwixt two neighbours tend to crumble. Moreover hunters widen the gap in the walls to expose the rabbits hidden at that place. The poet feels it mysterious how the gaps are seen in spring, the mending time, even when no one has seen or heard them made. The speaker informs the neighbour residing beyond the colina to set the wall.

The two neighbours walk along the wall and engage in the tedious task of setting the wall. Each 1 picks the boulders on his side and sets information technology correct. The whole ordeal of restoring the boulders dorsum is hard since the fallen rocks have causeless a multifariousness of shapes, some similar breadstuff pieces; others like balls etc. The procedure irritates their fingers. The speaker finds the job an outdoor game. He wonders whether they need a wall to separate an apple orchard from a pine orchard. Simply the neighbour insists on saying that expert fences make good neighbours. The narrator becomes more amazed since there are no cows to encroach upon the neighbour's orchard. He likes his neighbour state that it is elves that does non like a wall. It seems to the narrator that his neighbor gropes in darkness like the quondam stone-historic period human with the stone in his artillery. The neighbour is adamant in his father'south pedagogy that 'expert fences make skillful neighbours' .

The theme of the poem, alienation is an often repeated theme in literature. But 'Mending Wall' becomes remarkable with its colloquial way which conveys the theme perfectly. This theme is all the more than relevant in the modern world where interpersonal relations are tampered and tarnished mercilessly.

Robert Frost's poem becomes a reminder to all since we forget the worth of relations. The poet's bulletin is clear. Maintaining friendly ties adds value to life. Nature also invokes harmonious coexistence among all beings. The poem moves from delight to wisdom. The speaker in the poem elaborates on the process of mending wall and then concludes with a paradoxical statement. The attitudes of broadness and narrowness towards living harmoniously are visible in this paradox. The tone of the poem is lighter with its conversational overtone.

The poem abounds with a flurry of poetic devices. The foremost among these is the metaphor of wall which stands for the bulwark that isolates people. Another metaphor is that of the boulders which are 'loaves' and 'balls'. The neighbour compared to an old stone brutal is a cute simile. This simile becomes all the more than forceful when he is represented as moving in darkness. When the poet speaks about a mysterious forcefulness which does non like the existence of the wall, we accept instance of personification.

Wall, boulders, spring, darkness etc are all symbols. Wall stands for barrier while boulders are instruments of barriers. Spring is the season which induces pleasant feelings. It is apt to call the bound mending fourth dimension. Darkness represents ignorance. Poetic effect is the result of these symbols.

Parallelism, the effigy of speech that has a similar word order and structure in their syntax, can be seen in the line, "To each the boulders that accept fallen to each".

Another poetic technique used is pun. In the line "And to whom I was like to give offence", the word 'offence' sounds similar fence.

Juxtaposing the opposites is paradox. The ii lines, 'Something in that location is that doesn't love a wall' and 'Good fences brand skilful neighbours' contain superb paradoxes. There is an instance of innuendo where in that location is a reference to 'elves', the tiny supernatural creatures fatigued from sociology and myth.

All these poetic devices add depth and beauty to the poem. Equally far as rhyme scheme is concerned there is no definite blueprint.

In conclusion, the verse form deals with a relevant theme and conveys a powerful message. Humour and conversational tone contributes to the aesthetic value of the verse form. The abundant use of poetic devices reinforces the theme and message. Thus, 'Mending Wall' becomes a call for amity and friendship.



Mending Wall and Gitanjali are the two poems which deal with lofty thoughts and sublime themes. Robert Frost's 'Mending Wall' is a dramatic narrative poem equanimous in blank verse. It reflects on the man-made barriers prevalent in the gimmicky society. Tagore'south Gitanjali in eight lines represent the walls which narrow man'south mind within a shell.

The poem deplores the restrictions human being creates in human being relations through walls and exhorts bridging gaps among relations. The narrator asserts that some force in nature condemns man- fabricated barriers the reason why walls built betwixt 2 neighbours tend to crumble. Moreover hunters widen the gap in the walls to betrayal the rabbits hidden there. The poet feels information technology mysterious how the gaps are seen in spring, the mending time, even when no 1 has seen or heard them made. The speaker informs the neighbour residing across the colina to set the wall. The 2 neighbours walk along the wall and engage in the wearisome chore of setting the wall. Each ane picks the boulders on his side and sets it right. The whole ordeal of restoring the boulders dorsum is difficult since the fallen rocks take causeless a variety of shapes, some similar bread pieces; others similar balls etc. The process irritates their fingers.

The speaker finds the task an outdoor game. He wonders whether they need a wall to separate an apple orchard from a pino orchard. But the neighbour insists on saying that expert fences make good neighbours. The narrator becomes more amazed since in that location are no cows to encroach upon the neighbor's orchard. He likes his neighbour state that it is elves that does not like a wall. It seems to the narrator that his neighbour gropes in darkness like the old stone- age man with the stone in his arms. The neighbour is determined in his father's education that 'skillful fences brand good neighbours'.

Gitanjali is a lament on seclusion. The poet realizes that he enclosed his cocky within himself after giving a proper noun. Then he finds himself decorated edifice a wall around him. Every bit the wall rises up he lost sight of his true self. He feels proud of the wall which he plasters with dust and sand. He takes care that not a single pigsty should left. All this care makes him all the more forgetful of his,truthful being.

As far every bit the themes of both the poems are concerned, one tin can encounter that they are complementary. Both the poets condemn separation and isolation and desire to interruption the wall which is a destructive strength.

In both the poems, the speakers are enlightened of the demand for breaking the barriers of alienation. In Mending Wall, the error is with the neighbour while in Gitanjali the fault lies on the speaker himself. The message of the poets is clear; not to restrict ourselves to our personal desires.

The poem 'Mending Wall' moves from please to wisdom. The speaker in the poem elaborates on the process of mending wall and so concludes with a paradoxical argument. The attitudes of broadness and narrowness towards living harmoniously are visible in this paradox.

The poem Gitanjali delights us with its wisdom. The tone of the 'Mending Wall' is lighter with its conversational overtone. Just 'Gitanjali' is highly serious and sober in tone.

Frost'south 'Mending Wall' abounds with a flurry of poetic techniques. The foremost amid these is the metaphor of wall which stands for the bulwark that isolates people. Another metaphor is that of the boulders which are 'loaves' and 'assurance'. The neighbour compared to an old rock savage is a cute simile. This simile becomes all the more forceful when he is represented as moving in darkness. When the poet speaks about a mysterious force which does not like the existence of the wall, we have instance of personification.

Wall, boulders, leap, darkness etc are all symbols. Wall stands for barrier while boulders are instruments of barriers. Spring is the season which induces pleasant feelings. It is apt to call the spring mending fourth dimension. Darkness represents ignorance. Poetic consequence is the outcome of these symbols.

Parallelism, the figure of spoken communication that has a like give-and-take society and construction in their syntax, tin can be seen in the line, "To each the boulders that take fallen to each".

Another poetic technique used is pun. In the line "And to whom I was like to give offence", the word 'offence' sounds like argue.

Juxtaposing the opposites is paradox. The two lines, 'Something there is that doesn't love a wall' and 'Good fences brand good neighbours' contain superb paradoxes. There is an case of allusion where there is a reference to 'elves', the tiny supernatural creatures drawn from folklore and myth.

Though short, the poem Gitanjali as well extensively uses symbols and metaphors. The wall becomes the key metaphor of separation and isolation. Other symbols are dungeon, plaster, sky, pigsty etc. The sky stands for pride and airs while plaster and dungeon are representatives of alienation. The gap in Mending Wall and hole in Gitanjali are little forces which unite human beings.

All these poetic devices add depth and beauty to these poems. Equally far as rhyme scheme is concerned there is no definite pattern in both the poems.

In determination, both the poems deal with a relevant theme – the theme of alienation and convey powerful messages. The poets are lamentable because every man becomes an island. These poems carry a pessimistic mood. 'Mending Wall' is lighter in vein while Gitanjali is highly serious. In obvious terms, both the poems are critiques of selfish divisions in personal relations. Humour and conversational tone are the hallmarks of 'Mending Wall' while philosophical thoughts are the salient features of 'Gitanjali'. Thus in close analysis these are the elements of resemblance.


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Written report By HEART

"Piffling deeds of kindness, lilliputian words of dear, make our Earth an Eden, like the heaven above"-Julia F Carney

"Mending Wall" by Robert Frost is a narrative well-nigh 2 neighbours. They meet every spring to repair the stone wall that divides their properties. The central theme of the poem is whether it is wise to erect walls amid human being beings." In this poem he describes the importance of harmonious life. It deals with the two contrasting views of the poet and his neighbour. Nature tends to destroy the walls. The Poet'south neighbor remarks that good fences make good neighbours and adds that in that location will not be any good relationship without whatever walls.


i) Write a paragraph about the 2 contrasting views presented in this poem.

  1. A) The poem, " Mending Wall", deals with the two contrasting views of the poet and his neighbor. According to the Poet, fraternity and tolerance are the two important factors for leading a harmonious life. He doesn't like walls which divide one from another. Just the neighbour says that "Practiced fences make good neighbours". He believes that walls are very important to prevent misunderstanding.
  2. Write a paragraph about the poetic devices used in this poem.

The Poet effectively makes use of metaphors and similies in this poem. He uses them ironically. The wall is a metaphor for a barrier. He turns the natural process of the spring into a mysterious 'something' that doesn't love a wall; that 'sends' ground swells, that 'spills' boulders and that 'makes gaps'.  The Poet also makes apply of 'similies' in this poem. He playfully characterizes some of the boulders every bit 'loaves' and others equally 'balls'. The Poet over again makes use of metaphor when he jokes with his neighbour, "My apple trees volition never go across and eat the cones under his pines".

  1. Imagine you are the Poet'due south neighbour in "The Mending Wall". You want to justify your viewpoint that "Expert fences make good neighbours".  Present your reasons in the form of ii arguments.                                                  (Score : two)
  2. A) a. Co-ordinate to me proficient fences strengthen the human relationship
  3. Skilful fences will reduce the quarrel between the neighbours.
  4. Prepare an appreciation of the verse form " Mending Wall".

HINTS to include in the appreciation:- The central idea of the poem, Symbolic significance of the 'wall' in the poem, Poetic devices employed past the Poet, Language, Structure and Contemporary relevance

  1. A) "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost describes the importance of harmonious life. Information technology is a narrative about 2 neighbours who see every jump to repair the stone wall. It is a dramatic lyric. Here the poet expresses his views and attitudes about edifice walls. The primal theme of the poem is whether it is wise to erect walls among human beings.

We can run across ii contrasting views presented by the poet and his neighbour. The poet says that there is no need for walls or fences. But he respects his neighbour when he expresses the view that, "Good fences make good neighbours".

The wall symbolizes all man-made barriers such every bit divisions between nations, social divisions, wealth, race etc. The wall actually makes a prison around him. It separates him from the world. And then the poet supports the aforementioned affair. Walls are always separating us from others. It disturbs the good relationship.

The Poet effectively makes utilize of metaphors and similies in this poem. He uses them ironically. The wall is a metaphor for a barrier. He turns the natural procedure of the jump into a mysterious 'something' that doesn't dear a wall; that 'sends' ground swells, that 'spills' boulders and that 'makes gaps'. There is alliteration in the lines "There is something that doesn't love a wall". Here 't' and 'th' in the words 'ther' and 'that' are examples of alliteration. The Poet has effectively employed 'assonance'  in the line 'And spills the upper boulders in the sun' . Hither  'u' in the word 'upper' and 'u' in the word ' sun' are repeated. The Poet too makes employ of 'similies' in this poem. He playfully characterizes some of the boulders every bit 'loaves' and others as 'balls'. The Poet once more makes utilize of metaphor when he jokes with his neighbor, "He is all pine and I am apple tree orchard". There is personification in the line 'God fences brand good neighbours'. Here 'argue' gets human appearance.

This poem is written in blank poesy.  All the lines of the poem are unrhymed. Only the bare poetry contributes to the pregnant of the poem. The poet also makes use of several images. It is a two-stanza poem. But the language used past the poet is not so elementary, considering we can find some subconscious meanings in the lines. The poet emphasizes the need for walls or fences for making a harmonious life. As all the poems of Robert Frost this poem as well begins in please and ends in wisdom.

  1. What is the importance of having a positive attitude to life?

A positive attitude leads to success and happiness. It helps yous to do your daily affairs very easily. It brings optimism into your life and helps to avoid worries and negative thinking. It would bring constructive changes into your life. Our life becomes happier, brighter and more successful. When we accept a positive attitude, it helps us to encounter the bright side of life.

A positive frame of mind can help yous in many means, such every bit

  • Expecting success and not failure
  • Making you feel inspired
  • It gives you the strength not to surrender.
  • It makes you wait at failure and problems as blessings in disguise.
  • It enables you to show self-esteem and confidence.
  • It helps you to look for solutions
  • It helps you to run across and recognize opportunities

A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and tin change your whole life. It helps you lot to look at the vivid side of life and your whole life becomes filled with low-cal. This light helps you to see your surround and the people around you lot more clearly.

  1. Read the following poem and compare it with "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost.

          Good Neighbours

To my shame I've been mending fences again,

a quaint habit I inherited from my father;

he would rather fix a fence than parley

repair and that information technology is where our views diverged.

He said fences were meant to brand good

Neighbours. In the intervening years I had it

incorrect, believing a fence was a line of defence.

along a disputed edge. In my begetter's sense

Information technology was the commencement of a wider duty,

a line where trust and respect must meet

And mesh, where neighbours are defines.

Today he watched me set up the fence-naturally

It made eminent sense to him every bit my cattle had

raided his space. When I said information technology was his argue too,

That the problem was shared he agreed, and thanked me for making repairs. I would that he could take read my face.

(parley- to hash out with others to solve a disagreement; intervening- coming between ii events; mesh- to fit together or match closely)

  1. A) Every bit information technology is said, '"Piddling deeds of kindness, picayune words of love can make the earth Eden like the Sky higher up", the poem "Good Neighbours"also conveys a similar idea. Information technology is a poem which bears so much similarity with the verse form "Mending Wall" written by Robert Frost.

In the poem, "good Neighbours", a like pattern of idea is observed. The poet feels shame for edifice walls merely could not finish since it has become a habit which he inherited from his father. This is the point where both are keeping dissimilar views.

"Mending Wall" past Robert Frost is a narrative near ii neighbours who run into every spring to repair the stone wall. The central theme of the poem "Mending Wall" is whether information technology is wise to erect walls among human beings. It highlights the thought that 'practiced fences make practiced neighbours.' The poem "Good Neighbours" is too such a poem which underlines the importance of fences to make good neighbours. It emphasizes the fact that fence is a line where trust and respect come across.

In the verse form "Mending Wall", the poet tells that there is something in nature that doesn't similar a wall. He attributes the crusade of damaged wall to nature. Every jump the poet notices this and calls his neighbour to repair it. They mend the wall together. Thus it was really the strong bond of human relationship between the poet and his neighbour. The mending of the wall really brought and so much positive elements such as love and concern. We can also see the contrasting outlook of the poet and his neighbour. The poet had a incorrect notion most the walls at that time. He thought wall is a kind of separation between them. But the poet'south neighbour believed that adept fences brand good neighbours. Thus we can see a neighbour who is sticking to his begetter's advice.

In the poem, "Skilful Nighbours" too nosotros tin see the similar idea. The poet says that he got the addiction of making fences from his father. The poet in this poem was also against making of the walls. According to him information technology was a line of defence force. But his father had taught him that fences were meant to make skilful neighbours. Nosotros become much evidence of this from this verse form. When the poet'south cattle ran to his neighbour's footing, the fence was cleaved. Then the poet repaired it. The neigihour who saw this thanked the poet for his good human action.

Thus both the poems highlight the importance of making walls for maintaining good relationship. In "Mending Wall", the poet Robert Frost makes use of many good images of apple copse, frozen ground, hunters with dogs, etc. He employs the figure of voice communication simile when he compares his neighbour as an old- stone age man. He also makes use of personification when he orders stones to stand up still. We can as well see number of funny facts such as 'My apple trees will never get across and swallow the cones under his pines". The language used by the poet is very uncomplicated and attractive.

In the poem, "Good Neighbours", alliteration is effectively used in the line, 'prepare a fence'. The poet too makes us of metaphor when he says that 'debate was a line where trust and respect must see'

As a whole both these poems convey the aforementioned message and brainstorm in delight and ends in wisdom. The major difference betwixt the poem, "Mending Wall" and "Skilful Neighbours" is the role played by nature. In "Mending Wall', nosotros can meet the nature, disliking the wall. But in the verse form, "Good Neighbours", we cannot see any role of nature. The presence of supernatural forcefulness is also absent-minded in the poem, "Good Neighbours". In both the poems we tin see different perspectives of making a wall. Both the poems share contrasting attitudes of different people. We tin see different angles and perspectives of making a wall. It sometimes upsets the mindsets of the people. The ideas are conveyed in a clear and creative mode. Thus both these poems are highly relevant in the contemporary club where people create boundaries on the basis of races and nation and individual and society. It really sets up the mind of the readers to prove tolerance and adjustment.

Prepared bt Mr. Joy peter C

* Beginning OF THE POEM : The verse form has an abrupt and dramatic start which has a conversational tone. By and large to say nigh the poem it mixes upwards the thoughts which are narrow worldly and selfish with the thoughts of wisdom and philosophy which are broad universal and selfless.

* Comment ON 'HUNTERS' : "The work of hunters is another thing"

The poet is addressing the little children chasing some animals like rabbit along with their dogs. The poet here uses no by tense which ways it is a usual action of the poet to keep away the mischievous children from destroying the wall/fence/boundary.

* READING THE LINES "WALLING IN …….WALLING OUT" (What I was walling in or walling out) AND THE Idea OF 'OFFENSE' IN THE Verse form 'MENDING WALL' : Before the wall was built, the poet used to locate the objects geographically around as his and equally not his with his neighbour'due south generosity. Both showed equal respect and concern. But the wall built makes an offense questioning that purity of beloved, respect, and relation existing between the poet and his neighbour. Some other criminal offence it makes is to the openness/limitlessness of this world.

* ABOUT THE Ending : (he says again, 'Good fences make good neighbours') The poet towards the end of the poem, says that he has failed to convince his neighbour of the need of destruction of the wall betwixt them. The neighbour stubbornly sticks to the old saying " good fences brand good neighbours". At this the poet feels that his neighbour is equal to an uncivilised human of the rock historic period. The poet gets this image of 'an erstwhile-rock roughshod armed' seeing his neighbour walking with a stone in his manus.

* SIGNIFICANCE OF THE WORD "DARKNESS" IN THE POEM : The word "darkness" is suggestive of pain, sadness, bad experiences, night, all the negativity, senselessness and an age marked by ignorance. Here the word indicates the negativity in human relations based on certain conditions besides as man's (neighbour'south) ignorance.

* COMMENT ON "SOMETHING" : The word "something" comes twice in the poem 'Mending Wall'. The poet attaches too much importance to the word "something". From the starting time itself he connects a mysterious air to it. Only it is in the materialistic/worldly/physical sense he is doing so at start. For instance the "something"may mean the estrus of sunlight , the cold winter(climactic changes), the mischief of little children, their dog etc. Simply later a digression comes in. Thus "something" comprises meanings related to the non-physical; spiritual world. For example, it means 'the elves'; the mischief of some mysterious, invisible powers working to destroy the wall/contend.

* Annotate ON THE TITLE 'MENDING WALL' : The title of the poem revolves effectually the major activeness of 'mending' a wall past the poet and his neighbour. But on a deeper level of agreement, the championship may bring more meanings. Firstly 'mending' tin exist taken as a verb thus suggesting an activeness of repairing the wall. Secondly 'mending' tin can be taken every bit an adjective where we get the idea that it is the wall' that mends and not the poet or whatever neighbour. 'The wall' repairs the relation between human beings. The poet's importance is felt by his neighbor and the neighbour's importance is felt by the poet but in the presence of 'the wall'. The wall makes individuals indispensable from each other.

There is silent relation between two persons;two groups;2 countries if there is a wall /debate/border. Fifty-fifty if in that location is enmity betwixt two neighbours information technology is the wall that makes them neighbours. No distant friend can demand that identify. The wall has thus immense importance in the poem. It connects and separates simultaneously.

Another related theme is the incessant tasks in life. The activeness of mending the wall equally well every bit the wall'due south destruction does not end. The poet and the neighbour need to mend it during every leap time. The activity connects to the Greek Sisyphean task of pushing boulders upward a hill, only to ringlet it down again. Similar version is found in the myth of "Naranathu Bhranthan" in connectedness with the locally spread and oft-told tale "Parayi Petta Panthirukulam" in Kerala, Valluvanadu region.

The purpose and purposelessness; connection and separation; time and timelessness, plays and pauses are well delineated in the action of 'mending'. The title is highly wise, philosophical, and too pregnant with meanings.

Prepared by Smitha K, ghss kattoor, Thrissur



'Mending Wall' is a beautiful poem written past Robert Frost in a style of a natural speech past using blank poetry.

A stone wall separates the speaker's – the poet'due south- property from his neighbor'due south. In bound they meet and jointly make repairs. The speaker sees no reason for the wall to be kept. He does not believe in walls for the sake of walls. But the neighbour stands with the onetime saying, 'Good fences brand proficient neighbours'.

Symbols used

Enough of symbols are used throughout this poem. The wall is the shining star of this verse form. It unites as well as separates our speaker and his neighbour. Nature is a silent graphic symbol in this verse form. Similarly tradition seems to the silent subject.

Poetic diction

The apple trees are momentarily personified in this poem.

The poet uses a simile in the line 'similar an sometime savage armed' – a caveman prepare for battle.

The poem is written in blank verse and varies its metre in some lines to get a conversational style.

In that location are no stanza break, terminate rhymes or rhyming pattern, just many of terminate-words share assonance; eg wall, beak, balls, etc.

Internal rhymes are subtle.

At that place is no strange vocabulary or 3 syllable words except 'another.'

Importance of Title

The title makes us retrieve that the wall is a supernatural thing and it refers to the ritual that our speaker and his neighbour undergo every spring to fix the wall. The title draws our attention to the star of the poem 'the wall'.

Prepared by Thomas a a

Edited past Smitha K

GHSS Kattoor, Thrissur